التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

learn quran

 There are a lot of Muslims across the planet, but few of them have the advantage of preserving the Holy Koran.
You know the Qur'an has not been restricted in place or in time.
Since the Koran's preservation has been made available through the On Learning Academies, it's been made available to you that learn the Koran very easily.
All you need is a computer connected to the Internet.
We have a distinct set of teachers who are always trying to prepare it for the easy preservation of the Holy Koran.
If you're male or female, young or old and old.
Our teachers are qualified to deal with all age groups.
We have different enabling courses for conservation.
Until the Holy Koran is properly preserved, you must know all the rules of Arabic.
Signs of cessation and connection. When the Koran is not properly read, it may change its meaning.
And if you don't learn Arabic, you can learn Arabic.
For more of our services and communication methods

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how to learn quran arabic language

learn quranic arabic online

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المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

How to learn Quranic Arabic

  learn arabic quran onlineIf you learn Arabic from the Holy Quran, it won't be easy at all. Before you learn some rules. And words and you can read alone so you can save If you set a quadrennial limit of at least one hour to read, listen to and learn Arabic with time, you will find that you have enough results and then you can start learning the Quran easily. Before you start learning the Qur 'an, you must find a translated source of the Holy Koran to understand the meaning and ability to absorb You can find this through documented references, videos or articles Choose the right way for you and begin to understand the meaning 1- Start with Noorani Qaida: It is a book dedicated to and small for children Start establishing and learning with them to combine letters and compose words and you can use whatever age you are in knowing the Arabic language rules For more about learning Arabic to save the Holy Quran how to learn quranic arabic learn quranic arabic ancient homes learn to ...

how to learn quranic arabic

The Holy Quran is the message of God in His land and it is different in the way it is communicated where it is communicated by recitation The coupling is an auditory pattern that connects the coupling in different ways than poetry and singing Reading exits in the Quran are followed by the provisions of the tajweed God lowered the Holy Quran in Arabic, which is the language of the Book. The Quran can be translated into more than one language and this is only to facilitate the delivery of the Islamic message to other countries But this does not sing about the preservation of God's book and its knowledge of the mother tongue. So whoever delivers must be an Arabic language learner reading the Holy Quran. So if you want to learn Arabic, you won't find better than our academy to save the pairing and teach Arabic. For more.......... learn quran hifz quran for adults hifdh al quran      

قواعد القرآن

  القرآن هو النص الديني المركزي للإسلام ويعتبره المسلمون كلمة الله الحرفية كما أنزلت على النبي محمد. يوفر التوجيه لجميع جوانب الحياة ، بما في ذلك المسائل الأخلاقية والأخلاقية والاجتماعية والقانونية. في حين أنه لا يمكن تلخيص القرآن بأكمله في إجابة مختصرة ، يمكنني أن قواعد القرآن : التوحيد: يؤكد القرآن على الإيمان بوحدانية الله. ويعلم أنه لا إله يستحق العبادة إلا الله وأن الشراكة معه من الذنوب الجسيمة. العبادة والصلاة: يؤكد القرآن على أهمية انتظام الصلاة والعبادة للحفاظ على علاقة قوية مع الله. السلوك الأخلاقي والأخلاقي: يوجه القرآن السلوك الأخلاقي والأخلاقي ، وينمي الفضائل مثل الصدق والعدل واللطف والتواضع والصبر والتسامح. يمنع الرذائل مثل الكذب والسرقة والغش وإيذاء الآخرين. العدالة الاجتماعية: يؤكد القرآن على أهمية العدالة الاجتماعية والاهتمام بالفقراء. يتم تشجيع المسلمين على الصدقة ودعم المحتاجين ومعاملة جميع الأفراد بالإنصاف والرحمة. الأسرة والعلاقات: يوجه القرآن الكريم الحياة الأسرية ، ويؤكد على أهمية الزواج ، والحفاظ على الروابط الأسرية القوية ، ومعاملة الأزواج والآباء والأطفال ب...