The Holy Quran is the book of God that came down in the Holy Month of Ramadan on the Prophet of God's Drop the Holy Quran in Arabic وَكَذَٰلِكَ أَنْزَلْنَاهُ حُكْمًا عَرَبِيًّا ﴿٣٧ الرعد﴾ In the circulation of the Holy Quran and the many Muslim countries, there was a misrepresentation of the pronunciation of the Koran. Lest the coupling be misrepresented, rules called Tajweed Rules have been established. With the best academy you can learn the basics of the Tajweed rules which enables you to read the Koran correctly The Tajweed is a broad science of pairing lessons to teach you how to pronounce properly. The Tajweed of the following tooth that has to be known so that the meaning or exit of the letter or stop position is not changed To learn all the rules of Tajweed join the best academy to teach the Holy Quran For more............ learn quran how to learn quran arabic language