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عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2021

when is eid in egypt

  when is eid in egypt What's eid? Eid is all a beautiful occasion, full of joy and joy, bringing families together. People rest in it from work pressure and life because it's mostly work leave. The feast could be a national, or a historic or a religious feast. Religious holid ays are different from religion to religion. For the Islamic religion, there is Eid al - Fitr and Eid al - Adha. Eid Al - Fitr comes in the month of Shawwal after the holy month of Ramadan after the fasting of Muslims by God is rewarding them. Egyptians are known for making cake and biscuits on this holiday. As for Eid al-Adha, it is the feast that comes in a month of pilgrimage in which the sacrifice is slaughtered. For more information on Egypt and its holidays, please follow up.… when is eid in egypt what did ancient egypt look like how many people in egypt ancient homes

how to learn quran arabic language

  Reciters of the Noble Qur’an is one of the acts of obedience that God (Glory be to Him) commanded us to do. Reading the Qur'an God Almighty commanded us. To read and memorize the Qur'an in Arabic. So, if you are a non-Arabic speaking Muslim, you must learn the Arabic language. We must learn every letter and its sound output. You must learn the tuning of the letter and the exit of each letter There are many letters in the Arabic language similar in pronunciation. Pronouncing the letter in a different way changes the meaning of the word completely. So if you are not a native speaker of the Arabic language and want to learn and master it. Until you read the Qur'an .Among the languages ​​of the entire world, God chose and distinguished the Arabic language as the language of the Noble Qur’an. Learning the Arabic language will have a great impact on your understanding of the meaning of the Qur’an and reading it properly. The Arabic language is the basis for reading the Noble Qu...