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عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر, 2021

egypt people's lives

 egypt people's lives Studio arabyia Egypt is one of the most important countries in the world. It's the destination of the world and tourists. Egypt has a mild summer and warm winter atmosphere. Egypt is one of the countries with a distinct geographical location whose population is characterized by good heart, social and non-racism. In Egypt, the religion of Christianity and Islam is united and there is no difference between Muslims and Christians. Egypt's population density is very high Egypt is on the continent of Africa. And it has a lot of landmarks that make it a distinct tourist front, like the Nile River, the Pyramids and the Cairo Tower. And it's got the shorter ones, and it's like winter trips. Al Ghurdaq and Sharm el-Sheikh as summer trips If you want to visit Egypt, you'd better be familiar with Arabic, and you can go to Arabic academies. And if you want more information about Egypt, you can communicate with studio Arabyia. for more how to learn musl...

how to learn muslim language

Save decent reading from the basics of Diyanh Islam And saving it with an understanding makes it more good. The Koran will not be understood without understanding its language or translation until it reaches the meaning. And since you (the good of you) learn the Koran from the words of the Prophet, God be blessed. Therefore, academies have been set up to preserve the Holy Koran, especially in the context of epidemics and diseases. From these academies the academy studio Arabiya It's one of the academies that teaches the Holy Koran with a sense of precision and ease of communication. The Academy is working on a programme for the easy preservation of the Quran. It takes care of accuracy and time to save accurately in a short time. The conservation programme that is being developed takes into account the age group, where we take care of children, adults, adults and women. For children and adults, an easy and effective programme is being developed. With his care to be quiet, the teache...

al azhar quran teaching reviews

  The fastest ways to preserve the Holy Koran Just a little bit of time. How to review and not forget If you have a child, you have to teach him/her when you're young, because young education lasts the length of work, because the child's mind is not full and empty so he/she can absorb all the Koran. The child must start at the first stage of speech, because the recitation of the Koran also strengthens the exits of letters and helps the child to pronounce faster. As for the adults, the elder and the ladies. If you want to save, we'll write some advice in this blog. The Holy Koran in the Civil Edition is 604 pages. If every day I save my page with the reference, we save the Koran in 604 days. The Holy Koran can be preserved in Arabic with teachers to teach the Koran in one year only.  with studio Arabiya Egypt's Best Akadem for Learning the Holy Koran and Qualifying You for University of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif And it's also from the top of the distinction that we get teac...