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عرض المشاركات من أغسطس, 2021

Ancient homes

 When we think about the events of antiquity, one may be interested in some events, events and even buildings that existed at the time. This is the kind of house where the ancient Egyptians lived. Egypt is one of the few countries in the world that is the cornerstone of modern civilization, owing to the level of innovation, construction and achievements embodied by those who lived in ancient Egypt. Although none of the great achievements of the past can compete with what we have in our time now, some of them remain the basis for many of the styles and designs we see around us today - some of the wonderful examples are the houses in ancient Egypt. Egyptians evolved over time with regard to the houses in which they lived. They moved from living in weak huts to large stone houses. However, it was not really a favourable period for Egyptians in terms of housing and shelter. The shapes of the houses were numerous at the front and evolved. So we're going to talk about the kinds of old ho...

how to learn quranic arabic | al azhar quran teaching reviews

  The Holy Koran, especially for children, is one of the basics that father and mother should care about. Because a young child's mind is empty, and when you put any data in it, the child can absorb it and remember it in its own longevity with constant review. If you are a father or a Muslim mother, one of the basics is teaching a child the Quran, faith and prayer so that he can grow up aware of all the teachings of Islam and Quran. With the corona, the world became unstable, and the educational movement was said in schools and academies. So the educational movement went to education through online education platforms. And with the academies that moved their education from in-house to in-line education. One of the best ideas is to learn the Holy Koran in a country that speaks the language of the Holy Koran, the great Arabic language. It's from these countries. Egypt That's where the best academy is. If you're out there and want to learn and preserve the Holy Koran or sa...